Terraforma Contracting are experts in Earthworks, Land Clearing, Tree Felling & Rural Site Work in Dunedin and Otago NZ

Based in Dunedin

Terraforma Contracting Specialise In Earthworks, Land Clearing, Tree Felling & Rural Site Work

Tree removal services in Dunedin Otago - Terraforma Contracting


If you need an area prepared for your next project, our team can help.

Terraforma Contracting are experts in Earthworks, Land Clearing, Tree Felling, Cartage & Rural Site Work in Dunedin NZ
Earthworks services in Dunedin NZ - Terraforma Contracting

Earth Works

Giving your land new life.

From site clearance and preparations to excavations and earthworks, if you need an area prepared for construction projects or to put in new farm tracks, our team can help.

Earthworks involves working with large amounts of earth and heavy machinery, so you must use a trained professional to ensure that the job is carried out safely and effectively.

Terraforma Contracting is based in Dunedin NZ and can help with your earthworks needs, big or small.
Have land that you need clearing? Terraforma Contracting can help clear anything from a path to a whole section! Based in Dunedin, New Zealand
Land clearing services in Dunedin NZ - Terraforma Contracting Services


Turning unusable land into productive land for use.

Whether you are tending to a building site, a site that is overgrown, or a site too steep to manage, Terraforma has the right machinery to make light work of your land clearing requirements.

Land clearing is the process of removing trees, stumps, rocks, large holes and other obstacles from an area as required for land improvement, subdividing or farming.

Tree felling services in Dunedin NZ - Terraforma Contracting


Add space to your property.

When a tree becomes too big for a section, or is in danger of falling, tree removal may be your only option. We have the experience, equipment, and professional expertise to enable the safe removal of trees around property, powerlines or even other trees without causing damage.

Whether your tree is dead or diseased, or you simply need to remove one to extend your property or develop part of your site, our team can help.

Terraforma Contracting can help with all tree services, from tree felling and tree removal to stump removal in Dunedin and Otago.
Terraforma Contracting can help with all your cartage needs to clean up your land and remove rubbish and debris that can accumulate from land clearance. Based in Dunedin, New Zealand
Cartage and removal services in Dunedin NZ - Terraforma Contracting


Clear away unwanted materials.

We can help with any type of material handling, landscaping, earthworks, and more. Terraforma Contracting can transport almost anything, whether it’s building materials, steel framing, gravel, silage, stone, sand, topsoil or rock.

With our 20-tonne digger and dump truck, we can remove anything you don’t want left behind.


To get any trees removed



Or Land Clearing project done.